IFRA Learn
IFRAlearn was launched in response to retailers’ requests for a simple, self-paced learning package for new entrants to the trade. It is published in booklet form and in six parts:
Tutors Manual: Selling Shoes (which will help you to monitor your staff whilst they are working on Parts 1 & 2)
Part 1: Customer Care
Part 2: Selling Skills
Tutors Manual: Footwear Knowledge (which will help you to monitor your staff whilst they are working on Parts 3 & 4)
Part 3: Footwear Facts and Features
Part 4: Footwear Feet and Fitting
To make the best use of this training concept there are some points that should be born in mind by store management:
- IFRAlearn is not a magic wand. Management commitment and participation are essential. Like all useful tools, it must be properly and skillfully used.
- A through understanding of all the material is essential before it is used for trainees.
- Trainees retain their completed programmes, so order enough copies.
- The best tutors are those who enjoy helping trainees.
- The materials can be a helpful aid to refresher training for experienced staff
The induction training section in particular must be personalised for each particular company. (Specific points of interest about the firm’s history and development for example).
Simple records of each staff members’ achievements need to be kept.
Aspects of the IFRAlearn programmes can be used to form the basis of in-house training and team-building meetings.
Don’t put this off – get organised today to take advantage of IFRAlearn. It’s designed to help you.